All posts tagged with statistics
-(Natural News) Over the last several weeks, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, from the well of parliament, implored British citizens to continue doing what they’ve been told to do throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay at home, if possible. Work from home. Mask up. Get a vaccine. Get two. Get a vaccine booster. Etc. He then […]
-(Natural News) Almost two years have passed since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) made its debut on the world stage, and the Branch Covidians are still deceiving the world with how they calculate “covid deaths.” Even after getting exposed for their lies, these medical charlatans are counting every death with covid as a death from covid. […]
-(Natural News) FBI crime statistics debunk the media’s narrative that white people represent the biggest violent crime threat to Asians, with figures showing whites significantly underrepresented in crime stats compared to their per capita population. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from Since the killing of six Asian women who worked in massage parlors in […]
-(Natural News) It should be obvious by now that the 2020 presidential election was flat-out stolen from President Donald Trump — after four years of the deep state failing to depose him any other way. We’ve heard from scores of witnesses. There are more than 1,000 signed, sworn affidavits. We’ve seen video of illegal vote […]
-(Natural News) Too many Americans who never had a civics class are learning about the Electoral College, which they are coming to realize may be James Madison’s “Do-Over Button” for times just like these. (If you are under 35, Madison was a president a long time ago.) (Article by Jay Valentine republished from The […]
-(Natural News) For the past couple of weeks as vote tallies in a number of key battleground states made it appear as though Joe Biden was the victor, the disgusting, dishonest mainstream media as well as Democrats in Congress have been demanding that President Donald Trump concede. But the president has refused to do so […]
-(Natural News) Joe Biden got a shocking 60-point advantage over Donald Trump in absentee mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and 38-point advantage in Michigan according to data compiled on Thursday but received no similar massive advantage in other swing states like Ohio, North Carolina, Florida or Minnesota. (Article by Chris Menahan republished from Update at end […]
-(Natural News) Joe Biden’s alleged “win” in the state of Georgia is a statistical impossibility, and it is only a matter of time before the truth is known about what really happened there. Using a statistical method called a Bernoulli Trial, truth sleuths plugged in the official numbers out of Georgia to calculate the odds […]
-(Natural News) So let me start; my BA is in applied mathematics out of UCLA. Besides writing occasional gun articles, I use these skills every day for Green Energy Consulting. (Article by Don McDougall republished from When I saw reports that a block of 2020 Presidential absentee ballots turned up all 100% for Biden, […]
-(Natural News) Play-pretend “President-Elect” Joe Biden is in more hot water after it was determined using Benford’s law that there is almost no chance he legitimately won the state of Michigan – or any other key swing state, for that matter. Though many are unfamiliar with it, Benford’s law is a computational system that has […]