All posts tagged with spill
-(Natural News) Central California’s Oroville Dam, which encountered catastrophic failure last year that led to the erosion of 1.7 million cubic yards of material, is now the subject of a multi-billion dollar lawsuit. As of this time’s writing, Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey has filed a suit against the Department of Water Resources (DWR) […]
-(Natural News) As many environmentalists and local Native American tribes feared, a massive leak of some 210,000 gallons, or about 5,000 barrels, of oil has occurred along a section of the Keystone Pipeline in South Dakota, making it the largest-ever spill. The company quietly announced via a November 16 tweet that it is “currently responding […]
-(Natural News) Two years in August, a crew working for the Environmental Protection Agency unexplainably removed the rock and rubble “plug” holding back millions of gallons of toxic water at the long-abandoned Gold King Mine in Colorado. That irresponsible action led to a massive 3 million-plus gallon spill of acid mine drainage and, the EPA […]
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