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-(Natural News) After many years of mainly Earth-bound inventions and innovations, could it finally be time for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to set its sights elsewhere, particularly space? Regardless of whether you think it’s a worthy exercise or not, the agency itself appears to have found clear reasons to engage the endeavor. […]
-(Natural News) After decades of sending rockets and satellites into space, low Earth orbit has since become polluted with all manner of orbital debris. Also known as space junk, it’s believed that there are well over 170 million pieces of orbital debris circling the earth, all of which are fragments of missions onto space. Currently, […]
-(Natural News) One of the benefits of being an astronaut is that you get to “walk” in space. Free from the tethers of gravity and terrain, astronauts get to explore weightlessness with the best possible view of our planet and the solar system. If you’ve watched the 2013 movie, “Gravity,” a spacewalk is one of […]