All posts tagged with space dust
-(Natural News) Meteorites taken from the Thorsberg quarry in Sweden suggest that violent collisions occurred in space about 470 million years ago, flinging rapidly traveling meteorites toward Earth. Birger Schmitz of Lund University in Sweden is leading the research on the meteorites aged millions of years old. His team’s findings, published in the journal Nature, show that the meteorites hold […]
-(Natural News) Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is an organic compound discovered in the space dust that permeated outer space. When taken as a health supplement, PQQ supercharge the cells in the body, helping the brain work better and keeping LDL cholesterol levels under control. Space dust is mostly made up of carbon, oxygen, and silicon. But it also contains PQQ. […]
-(Natural News) Manned spacecraft better pack windshield wipers when they venture out of the solar system and into interstellar space. An article in The Daily Mail Online reported that the void between the stars are filled with greasy carbon dust that is toxic to life despite being made of the same element as organic life. […]
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