All posts tagged with soil
-(Natural News) New research published in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science reveals that multinational corporations are rapidly destroying the world’s soils by contaminating them with deadly insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. All the chemical garbage that gets sprayed on genetically modified (GMO) crops, making corporate executives filthy rich at the expense of our planet, is […]
-(Natural News) Plants such as trees form symbiotic relationships with bacteria and fungi in the soil, with the latter helping capture nutrients and minerals from the environment. In turn, the tree shares some of the food that it produces using the energy of the sun with these bacteria and fungi. Now, a study published in the journal Nature […]
-(Natural News) There can be no doubt that proper hygiene practices like regular hand-washing are vital to maintaining good health. An understanding of how germs are spread and what makes people ill has literally saved millions of lives over the past century. But, could it be that we have taken the pursuit of cleanliness too […]
-(Natural News) The health industry is full of diets, exercises and therapies for stress relief. But researchers from the U.S., Hungary and the U.K. suggest a more down-to-earth stress buster – with dirt. In their study, which was published in the journal Psychopharmacology, the team found that Mycobacterium vaccae, a bacterium found in soil, produces an anti-inflammatory fatty acid that can reduce […]
-(Natural News) Unless you’re a gardener or farmer, you probably don’t give soil much thought. You know it’s there, but you don’t think it affects you very much – unless you get it on your shoes and track it into the house. However, soil is the foundation for life, whether you realize it or not. […]
-(Natural News) Before you pursue your homesteading dreams, you will need land — and finding the perfect land isn’t easy. You might be considering to buy a piece of land within your state; it is your comfort zone after all. However, the start to a successful homesteading is planning. Hold off on buying land for […]
-(Natural News) Home gardening is a rewarding practice because it gives you access to nutritious vegetables throughout the year. But gardens aren’t just located in large, sprawling backyards. If your home is in the city, you can set up a vegetable garden by making small adjustments. With a bit of soil, you can grow an […]
-(Natural News) You can easily access fruits and vegetables in grocery stores, but you cannot be fully sure of how they were grown. Also, you never know how long those supplies will last. Sustainable gardening offers both a solution and a question. It is a solution because it is environment-friendly. On the other hand, building a sustainable […]
-(Natural News) Growing your own vegetables is tricky. You never know how the weather, the soil, or other factors might affect them. To maximize the yield of your crops, it’s best to do your homework on the vegetables that you want to plant. Here are just five vegetables you can grow. (h/t to A […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from Swansea University Medical School in the U.K. have discovered a new type of bacteria that can inhibit more than half of the top antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In the study, which was published in Frontiers Microbiology, a team from the U.K. and Croatia analyzed an area in Ireland that is thought to have medicinal properties and found […]