All posts tagged with self-destruction
-(Natural News) Joe Biden and the deep state Marxists running his regime are succeeding in their bid to not just undo all of the magnificent progress our country made under the policies of a GOP Congress and President Donald Trump, but in completely dismantling our institutions and functions of government. The latest evidence comes in the […]
-(Natural News) In today’s Situation Update, we discuss the astonishing truth that covid cures literally grow like weeds (such as dandelion weeds), yet most people rush to Home Depot to buy toxic, cancer-causing herbicides so they can poison their own lawns, killing off the dandelions and thereby killing themselves in the long run. Mother Nature […]
-(Natural News) This analysis continues from part one, found at this link. We are detailing the top ten most dangerous threats to humanity. #6) AI research and the transhumanism agenda The race to develop functional artificial intelligence (AI) is the siren song for humanity’s demise. No nation can refrain from pursuing the research, since it […]
-(Natural News) Taken one at a time, the events unfolding across our world seem unconnected, insane or random. However, there is an overarching pattern to everything you’re witnessing and experiencing. That pattern exists because there is intention to deploy world events, cultural trends, economic control and political obedience to achieve a desired aim. If I […]
-(Natural News) Trouble is brewing in LGBTville where some of the community’s earliest members, the “Ls,” are struggling to maintain the attention spotlight amid growing numbers of newer members that they perceive as an existential threat – mainly the “Ts.” According to reports, a group of angry lesbians disrupted the recent “Pride” event in London […]
-(Natural News) As Facebook and Google soak up an ever-increasing share of online ad revenue — estimated to be approaching 80 percent — news and information websites are looking for creative ways to serve ads and make money from them. Some, like the Newsweek Media Group (NMG) , may even be bending the law in […]
-(Natural News) Scientists have recently discovered an ancient tribe that ritually poisons its own food. Dubbed the “Suicide Tribe,” this shocking anthropological discovery is sending shockwaves across the scientific establishment. “We’ve never witnessed such self-destructive behaviors in human societies before,” said Dr. Eugene Navarovski from the Technical Institute of Ancient People, who led the research. […]