All posts tagged with scientific fraud
-(Natural News) The reason why Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” was declared to be “safe and effective” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is because Pfizer lied about the outcomes of its clinical trials. Pfizer’s clinical trial documents, which started getting released on June 1 by the FDA as part of a lawsuit […]
-(Natural News) A new meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology finds that there is NO high-quality evidence to support MOST modern healthcare interventions and pharmaceutical drugs used in hospitals today. According to the findings of this analysis, almost every single aspect of the medical system is a racket, a fraud. It’s not just […]
-(Natural News) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that large portions of data about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are not being published because the world might “misinterpret” them. And Dr. Robert Malone is warning that this amounts to fraud. It has been almost two full years since the plandemic was […]
-(Natural News) Urging CDC scientists to speak out, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Ryan Cole reacted Monday to the news reported by the New York Times that agency officials admit they have withheld COVID data broken down by age, race and vaccination status because the American people might misinterpret it. (Article by Art Moore republished from […]
-(Natural News) The main driver of “climate change” is not human activity, according to a new peer-reviewed paper, but rather the sun. Ronan Connolly from the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Science (CERES) along with his colleagues identified prolific systemic bias in the narrative put forth by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), […]
-(Natural News) Vaccinations bring with them serious risk that the medical community refuses to address or even test for in their secretive laboratories. With a 100 percent constant “green light” from the Centers for Disease Control, the “Pharma Five” (GSK, Merck, Sanofi, Pfizer and Novavax) are hard at work combining genetically modified bacteria and human […]
-(Natural News) Will global warming fear-mongering soon see its last day? A growing number of experts are speaking out about fraud within the climate science community. Climate science is rife with statistical manipulation, data tampering and other integrity issues — and that’s before politics get involved. While climate change alarmists claim that the science on […]
-(Natural News) The process of facilitated communication involves absolute trust. It requires that someone with autism or another developmental disability literally place themselves in the hands of a facilitator who guides their movements to try to help them express themselves by typing on a keyboard or pointing at pictures. Anna Stubblefield, the former chairwoman of […]
-(Natural News) Monsanto’s biggest secret is coming out, as the fate of their infamous herbicide hangs in the balance. For the first time ever, a judge allowed the release of incriminating documents that prove Monsanto colluded with federal regulators and scientists to promote glyphosate for financial gain. The eye-opening Poison Papers are being made public […]
-(Natural News) (Opinion analysis) The Clean Label Project is engaged in dangerous scientific fraud that misleads consumers into thinking perfectly safe protein powders are wildly contaminated with toxic heavy metals. That’s my conclusion after reviewing the Clean Label Project’s wildly unscientific attack on protein products such as VEGA, where the Clean Label Project seems to […]