All posts tagged with science and technology
-(Natural News) Imagine a city that doesn’t have to rely on factories several hundreds of miles away to supply the needs of its residents. This self-sufficient city could become its own manufacturing hub. Now, researchers from Cardiff University have found a way to make that happen. In a recent study published in the journal Computers & Operations Research, researchers described […]
-(Natural News) A group of Australian researchers has developed a new and fast method of detecting a dangerous toxin from pesticides and chemical weapons. The study, published in the journal ACS Nano, explains how perovskite nanocrystals, which were being used to develop new solar panels, can change color upon detecting methyl iodide. Methyl iodide, also known as iodomethane, is […]
-(Natural News) When wind farms are mentioned, traditional propeller turbines usually come to mind. However, a new vertical turbine design is set to revolutionize wind energy production. Researchers found that the new vertical design boasts better efficiency than its traditional counterpart. They also discovered that the vertical turbines perform better by 15 percent when set […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) successfully used laser to cool antimatter to near absolute zero. The chilled antimatter reached temperatures just one-twentieth of a degree above absolute zero (minus 459.67 F), which was more than 3,000 times cooler than the coldest recorded temperature in the Antarctic. The laser-cooling technique, which the researchers developed […]
-(Natural News) Solar technologies are those that capture sunlight, a free and abundant energy source, for people to use as useable energy. These technologies can range from expensive systems built for entire houses and smaller versions attached to everyday devices. In cases where you are prepping for an SHTF scenario, you won’t be thinking about a thousand […]
-(Natural News) Researchers have developed a new type of water purifier that mimics the way mangrove trees remove salt from salt water. This study not only offers a better understanding of the plants’ plumbing system, it could also lead to creating new desalination technologies. An engineering feat that has long baffled scientists is how mangroves survive their […]
-(Natural News) A mysterious jellyfish-shaped object was spotted by residents in the Amur Oblast region in Russia. The glowing object suddenly appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere last month, stunning locals. Footage published on YouTube showed the comet-like object hurtling towards Earth, and stunned onlookers reveled in the form. A young boy, accompanied by his friends, was […]
-(Natural News) The rapid development of artificial intelligence can pose some risks, which is why it should be strictly and ethically controlled. AI developers are now discussing how to place limits on technology to ensure that robots will always act in the interest of humanity because giving them their own independent personalities could be dangerous. AI consultant Matthew Kershaw said […]
-(Natural News) The world’s most powerful magnet is ready to be shipped to France for a project that will replicate the nuclear reactions taking place on the sun. Made of six magnetic packs, the magnet will be placed in the core of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a $24 billion donut-shaped machine designed to generate electricity via nuclear fusion, or […]
-(Natural News) A bacon, lettuce and tomato (BLT) sandwich is a good solution for hunger. Interestingly, scientists have also looked to this sandwich to solve a common issue with electric vehicle (EV) batteries. A lithium metal battery whose design is inspired by the sandwich addressed needle-like growths that undermine battery performance. Scientists also touted the […]