All posts tagged with school lunches
-(Natural News) A group of 26 state attorneys general (AGs) argued in a letter that President Joe Biden’s edict making funding for school lunches contingent on sexual identity policies is against the law. Led by Tennessee AG Herbert Slattery III, the Republican state AGs put down their argument against the rule in a June 14 […]
-(Natural News) Around the globe, healthcare professionals are worried about the steadily climbing rates of child obesity. Are school lunches to blame for this alarming trend? Children spend most of their time at school, and most of their daily calories come from the meals they eat there. Caroline Fitzpatrick, a child development researcher interested in […]
-(Natural News) A concerning new study has found that children in Canada are being deprived of the nutrients they need when they eat lunch at school. The study, which was led by Ph.D. candidate Claire Tugault-Lafleur of the University of British Columbia’s Human Nutrition Program, was the first to examine the differences between the dietary […]
-(Natural News) Not only has her husband already broken longstanding tradition of a former president refraining from criticizing the current commander-in-chief in public forum, but now his wife is piling on as well. These Obamas, they are a lot of things but they sure aren’t much for American tradition. In any event, Michelle Obama – […]
-(Natural News) Getting kids to eat their vegetables just became easier. In Fort Worth, Texas at least. On March 22 of this year, the Westpark Elementary School of Fort Worth welcomed the installation of a new salad bar. Representatives from the Forth Worth Independent School District were joined by Fort Worth mayor, Betsy Price, and […]
-(Natural News) A recent move by the Taiwanese government serves to illustrate just how far behind the rest of the world we are when it comes to the issues of food safety and GMOs. In December, lawmakers in Taiwan passed an amendment to the School Health Act that effectively prohibits both raw GM ingredients and […]
-(Natural News) First lady Michelle Obama has made it her mission to reform America’s school lunch programs, focusing more on healthier foods and less on foods that are rich in calories but low in nutrition. While not all Americans are happy with the effort, her “Let’s Move” initiative to make lunches more nutritious and, thus, […]