All posts tagged with sanitizing
-(Natural News) The military could deploy autonomous “corona-killing” robots that use ultraviolet (UV) light to disinfect closed spaces. The four-wheeled robots are said to be able to perform tasks in a matter of hours that would take human workers days to complete. Turning robot targets into virus killers To develop the disinfecting robots, a company called Marathon […]
-(Natural News) Current understanding of the coronavirus indicates that it is transmitted from person to person when an infected individual sneezes or coughs in close proximity to another, which is why governments around the world have implemented strict social distancing policies to keep people several feet apart from each other. However, that’s not the only […]
-(Natural News) A popular “green” trend at the Starbucks coffee chain is coming to an end because of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) crisis. According to reports, Starbucks customers are no longer allowed to bring in their own personal coffee cups to use for consuming their favorite brews because potential coronavirus germs could lurk and spread […]
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