All posts tagged with roundworm
-(Natural News) Parasites can be a massive headache in a microscopic size, and in the case of a certain parasitic worm, the headache it causes is literal – the rat lungworm parasite can wreak havoc on a person’s brain, and can even cause major neurological problems. Now, recent findings by the Hawaii State Department of […]
-(Natural News) Stress is the body’s natural reaction to various life experiences, and everyone is bound to experience it at one point in their lives. High levels of stress can bring about negative effects on the body. However, recent research describes a new type of stress that can bring surprising benefits for health. Anything from […]
-(Natural News) Researchers have known that certain animals adapt to environmental stress by altering their entire body to a form more suitable for the situation. They identified a protein in a species of roundworm that triggers this physiological remodeling. The stress-activated protein has analogues in the human body that are associated with diseases, such as metastatic cancer. […]
-(Natural News) Your body can be a host to parasites, most of which exist even without your knowledge. Among the body parts you can find them most commonly in are your intestines. Although most of them are small, these intestinal parasites can wreak havoc on your health. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat that […]
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