All posts tagged with rotavirus
-(Natural News) The majority of Americans believe fully in the efficacy and safety of vaccines because they believe the “science” of it all is enough to make it so, and because they trust in the regulatory agencies of the nation that reaffirm them that everything “science” is the safest option. Unfortunately, that is not the […]
-(Natural News) Meet the leading apologist for the vaccine industry poisons today. Known for his toxic “RotaTeq” rotavirus vaccine that he patented using a deadly porcine virus, Paul Offit has made millions of dollars selling his insidious, dirty vaccines to the CDC and recommending them for all infants, while he continues to bankroll off auspiciously […]
-(Natural News) U.S. federal agents seized at least a million pounds of pork that was being smuggled from China into the country in more than 50 shipping containers via the ports of New York and New Jersey – meat that could be contaminated with a hemmorhagic virus that wipes out entire pig populations in Asia. […]
-(Natural News) Even in this modern day and age, deadly viruses continue to pose a considerable threat because of how easily they can spread like wildfire. They can come without warning, making them difficult to anticipate and control. Densely populated cities and urban areas are the most vulnerable to these infectious diseases due to how crowded […]
-(Natural News) Isn’t it strange that some pathogens are popularized and sensationalized while countless other pathogens that exhibit similar symptoms are left unadvertised? Many of the pathogens that we are told to fear (like rotavirus, measles, chickenpox and polio) really only manifest as benign infections in a healthy body. Infections can be prevented altogether or effectively […]
-(Natural News) Isn’t it bad enough that today’s vaccinations contain neurotoxins, extreme allergens, genetically modified organisms, and DNA from abortions? Do we really need to find out that a popular childhood vaccine that’s highly recommended by the CDC contains two strains of a rare and deadly virus that’s killing pigs by the thousands in China? […]
-(Natural News) The basic fundamental concept of how a vaccine works is homeopathy based, thus treating disease by minute doses of natural substances that, in a healthy person, produce the systems of disease. There’s one massive problem with inoculations in this regard. Today’s immunizations not only contain some natural ingredients, but they also contain the […]
-(Natural News) Repeatedly asked to explain why a deadly foreign pig virus called circovirus remains part of the formula for the “RotaTeq” Rotavirus oral vaccine, Dr. Paul Offit, of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, has no valid explanation. Offit, the most widely quoted apologist for the toxic jab industry today, recommends the rotavirus vaccine for […]
-(Natural News) The most sinister way for a doctor to make millions of dollars in America is to create toxic medicine for children that causes serious health problems for which the parents come directly to them to obtain more toxic chemical treatments, having no clue that was the whole M.O. (method of operation) in the first […]
-(Natural News) Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D., is a research scientist, as well as the co-author of the recently released ground-breaking book, Plague. Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she’s been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. […]
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