All posts tagged with rest
-(Natural News) Many Americans get less than the recommended amount of sleep. Poor sleep has been linked to a variety of chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Now, recent research suggests that poor sleep can also deteriorate memory performance, especially in older adults. The National Sleep Foundation‘s inaugural Sleep Health Index […]
-(Natural News) Much like practicing regular exercise and eating a well-balanced diet, you shouldn’t take a good night’s sleep for granted—especially when you take into account its effects on your health. Poor sleep can lead to negative effects on your brain function and hormones. It can even trigger weight gain and increase your risk of developing […]
-(Natural News) When the sun goes down and the lights dim, biological rhythms prepare the body and the mind for rest. A calming silence and a cozy darkness await us, but we are too eager to fill this downtime with noise, light, and stimulation from our devices. Reflection, relaxation, and a deep, meaningful sleep are […]
-(Natural News) Everyone has experienced having sore and strained muscles after a hard day’s work. Instead of reaching for NSAIDs and other pharmaceutical drugs that cause adverse effects, switch to home remedies to alleviate mild or moderate muscle pain the natural way. It is easy to identify the seriousness of the muscle strain. Pick the […]
-(Natural News) In this age of stressful living, rest is like life-giving oxygen that recharges us and makes us ready to face all of the day’s challenges. Rest promotes brain function. It keeps us in the pink of health. It lowers stress and promotes sleep. Nowhere is this more important than in heart failure patients […]
-(Natural News) If you want to keep your heart healthy, try to get some rest during normal sleep hours. According to a recent study published in Life Sciences, getting enough sleep at night “may help the heart repair itself.” Scientists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham conducted research in animal models and the results revealed that the heart […]
-(Natural News) Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health since our bodies recuperate during this time. Understandably though, many of us are involved in different activities – working, taking care of the family, exercising, hanging out with friends – that we always tend to sacrifice a good night’s sleep. However, this type of neglect […]
-(Natural News) Like many people these days, your relationship with sleep may be complicated. It creeps in during the day when you actively avoid it but eludes you at night when all you want is a long, quality rest. Before your erratic sleep cycle has you thinking of health-related worst-case scenarios, know that your inability […]
-(Natural News) It’s common knowledge that a good night’s sleep helps our body recover at the end of a long day. But did you know that getting enough sleep at night can help curb suicidal thoughts among people with depression? According to a breakthrough study by researchers from the University of Manchester, “a bad night’s […]