All posts tagged with Racists
-(Natural News) A former French marine who went to fight on behalf of Ukraine following the invasion of Russian troops says that war crimes are definitely being committed there, but it’s not Russian forces who are guilty, it’s the Ukrainians. Not only that, but several Ukrainian soldiers he came in contact with are neo-Nazis and […]
-(Natural News) Amnesty International has issued a statement Friday smearing the peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters in the city of Ottawa as violent racists. (Article by James Anthony republished from The international non-governmental organization focused on human rights joined the mob that’s attempting to frame the largely peaceful trucker demonstration as a scene of violence, despite abundant footage of hugging, dancing, and singing. […]
-(Natural News) If you never thought that you would live long enough to see Soviet- and Chinese Communist-style totalitarianism in the United States, the world’s global beacon of ‘freedom’ and ‘individual liberty,’ think again. You have. Coming soon to the nation’s capital, if deranged, power-mad Democratic leftists get their way, is a new “secret police” […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to taking on liberal hypocrisy, Candace Owens is on a roll. (Article by Joe Saunders republished from In an interview that aired Sunday on Fox News with conservative radio and television host Mark Levin, Owens, an outspoken Donald Trump supporter, took the opportunity to go after one of the […]
-(Natural News) In an effort to be more “inclusive” and promote “equality,” the University of Michigan-Dearborn recently hosted “black only events” where people of color were encouraged to “discuss their experience as students on campus.” The meeting allows “people of color” to discuss how they are marginalized in a predominantly white society. In order to […]
-(Natural News) After bravely taking a stand for health freedom at the recent “White Coat Summit” put on by America’s Frontline Doctors in Washington, D.C., Dr. Stella Immanuel, a black woman from West Africa, is enduring an endless barrage of abuse from leftists, which are relentlessly mocking both her ethnic heritage and her Christian faith. […]
-(Natural News) There’s been a lot of talk lately about quantum computing, which basically describes computers with quantum superconductor processors that are able to perform incredibly complex calculations at breakneck speed. But the use of the word “supremacy” in a recent Nature article about quantum computing’s superiority has reportedly triggered the Left into demanding that […]
-(Natural News) Those in charge of Great Britain’s government-run health care system have decided that Brits who are deemed as “racists” or “sexists” will no longer be allowed to receive care, and will instead be left to die. The North Bristol National Health Service (NHS) Trust has announced that “threatening and offensive language,” as well […]
-(Natural News) The New York Times has faced substantial scrutiny in recent years. From their smearing of conservatives to their attacks on President Trump, it is self-evident that the NYT has a distinctly leftist bent. Perhaps that’s why the publication has a penchant for hiring racist employees who like to share their bigotry over Twitter? […]
-(Natural News) The American Left not only despises our country, they aren’t very good at remembering its history. Either that, or they are being intentionally misleading. You may have heard last week that, just days before our July 4 Independence Day celebration, sports brand Nike bent to the hatred of one of its brand ambassadors, […]