All posts tagged with psychological operation
-(Natural News) According to an NBC News report, the United States is telling lies about Russia moving chemical weapons to the border of Ukraine, China giving Russia arms and Russian President Vladimir Putin being misled by his advisors as part of an “info war” against Russia. The NBC News headline read: “In a break with the […]
-(Natural News) Pharmaceutical companies act like mafia thugs, deploying messages of GUILT and FEAR to coerce people into doing things to their body they wouldn’t normally do. Over 70 percent of Australian aboriginals aren’t afraid to refuse disastrous covid vaccines and live a normal life, free of fear. These indigenous people were marked as “priority […]
-(Natural News) Dr. Lee Merritt tells Alan Keyes during his program “Let’s Talk America” on Brighteon.TV that the people need to have a situational awareness with what’s happening in the world right now. “We need to realize the situation. This is a war, it’s not just a virus,” Merritt says. “If you think you’re fighting […]
-(Natural News) Supposedly, the World Health Organization is “tracking and monitoring” the Delta variant around the world. We are all supposed to be shaking in our boots 24/7 due to Delta’s so very high “transmissibility” rate, according to the latest experts (pharma shill of the week). Delta is even “more efficient” at spreading than the […]
-(Natural News) In the Truman Show film starring Jim Carrey, the lead character “Truman” realizes something is wrong with the world that has been presented to him as “reality.” He begins to see that it’s all theater, and that he’s being lied to by everyone, including family, friends and the evening news. Each time he […]
-(Natural News) An outspoken homosexual and New York Magazine writer has come forward to admit that the transgender movement is harming children. Andrew Sullivan warns that today’s youth are being perpetually bombarded with “trans” propaganda to the point that many of them are convinced that any deviation from traditional gender norms automatically makes them “non-binary.” […]
-(Natural News) For longer than many of the people reading this have even been alive, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been engaged in a massive psychological operation (psy-op) of covert mind-control warfare – this being a key component of its deep state schemes all around the world. And one of the agency’s more bizarre […]