All posts tagged with proper diet
-(Natural News) Eating nutritious foods and avoiding junk food are important for your overall well-being. But according to a study, childhood obesity may be associated with a mother’s unhealthy diet before pregnancy The study conducted by researchers from the University of Southampton was published in the International Journal of Obesity. The research team found that following a balanced diet pre-pregnancy […]
-(Natural News) The extended Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns have changed the routines of regular Americans. Many now sleep in and wake up in the afternoon instead of waking up early and preparing to go to work, thanks to the remote work setups and lockdowns meant to slow the spread of the disease. This change in routine, […]
-(Natural News) Having good lifestyle habits like eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly is essential to your overall well-being. While various studies have found that maintaining a healthy weight is the best way to promote cardiovascular health, experts often have different opinions on how to achieve this goal. Now, according to a recent study conducted […]
-(Natural News) While carbo-loading is often practiced to improve performance for certain types and durations of exercise, you must make sure you’re carbo-loading the right way and that you need to do it in the first place. What is carbo-loading? Carbohydrates from the food you eat provide your body with fuel. When you exercise, your body uses stored […]
-(Natural News) The gut microbiota has been a topic of numerous research over the past few decades. The word “microbiota” refers to a collection of microorganisms that live in an established environment. Your gut contains billions of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and even fungi. Many studies have observed how microbiota interacts with aspects of human life and linked […]
-(Natural News) Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can help boost your overall health. According to health experts, consuming certain foods like eggs and pecans can also help lower your risk of developing conditions such as cancer or diabetes. Data from the Nutrition 2018 conference revealed that some foods have protective effects against certain health problems. Although the research […]
-(Natural News) Bananas are delicious fruits that offer many benefits. These nutritious fruits contain essential nutrients that boost digestion and heart health. The nutrient profile of bananas Bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits. It is full of fiber and antioxidants. A medium-sized banana (118 grams) has 24 grams of carbs, 3.1 grams of fiber, 1.3 […]
-(Natural News) Inflammation is linked to various diseases and weight gain, which can aggravate existing health conditions. But according to Dr. Steven Gundry, following the Plant Paradox diet (a.k.a. the Gundry diet) will help reduce inflammation. The diet even promotes weight loss. What is the “Plant Paradox” diet? The Plant Paradox diet helps you avoid […]
-(Natural News) Inflammation is a normal occurrence in your body. It is your immune system’s response to threats. However, there are cases in which the immune system impartially attacks healthy tissues and organs, thereby leading to autoimmune diseases. About 700 million people around the world suffer from an autoimmune disease, and up to 23.5 million people […]
-(Natural News) Scurvy is another name for vitamin C deficiency. It is a health problem that, if left untreated, could be deadly. During the 15th to the 18th century, scurvy was the leading cause of death in sailors – more than sea-related accidents or injury, in fact – because they didn’t have adequate supplies of […]