All posts tagged with privilege
-(Natural News) A major supermarket chain Down Under is making global headlines for offering its transgender employees 10 more days off of paid leave than its non-transgender employees. Coles supermarket announced that it is aware of “at least 900 team members who identify as transgender or gender diverse” and wants to ensure that they receive […]
-(Natural News) England’s royal family made a big oopsie recently after Queen Elizabeth, who reportedly tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), was caught taking ivermectin for it. Even as the plebes are restricted from accessing ivermectin because it is supposedly “risky” and “dangerous,” and not government-approved for the Fauci Flu, Queen Elizabeth was seen […]
-(Natural News) The New York Times has published a piece arguing that “privilege” and “inequality” are not just human issues but also animal issues. Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) say that because of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), they decided to probe deeper into “health disparities and other inequalities around the world,” […]
-(Natural News) Lawmakers in California are looking to DOUBLE the income tax to implement a universal health insurance system. A staggering 18 percent income tax is being proposed to help cover the high cost of this forced sick care system. That’s not all. To put this Big Pharma racketeering system permanently in place, lawmakers are […]
-(Natural News) A video clip shows a grandmother confronting a teacher over the phone about how she told a student she didn’t have a right to an opinion because she was “white” and “blonde.” (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from The footage starts with the grandmother explaining to the teacher that her granddaughter […]
-(Natural News) Seven protesters arrested by the New York City Police Department on Sep. 4 apparently belonged to circles of wealth and privilege, apparently taking a break from their affluent lives to join the protests. The department posted mugshots of the seven in a Sep. 9 tweet, saying they were part of a large group […]
-(Natural News) More than a month has passed since the George Floyd incident, and the message to America from Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender is this: Calling the police is a form of “privilege” that needs to stop in order to end “racism.” Even as many cities are still trying to pick up the […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to the novel coronavirus, the numbers of infected people do not seem to tell the whole story. In countries which have experienced large numbers of positive cases, but where early and extensive testing and contact tracing have been undertaken, mortality rates have often proved to be lower than in countries […]
-(Natural News) Social-justice ideology is turning higher education into an engine of progressive political advocacy, according to a new report by the National Association of Scholars. Left-wing activists, masquerading as professors, are infiltrating traditional academic departments or creating new ones—departments such as “Solidarity and Social Justice”—to advance their cause. They are entering the highest rung of college […]
-(Natural News) Having a skin color other than white comes with some really cool perks if you live in the United States. For instance, one of the many benefits you’ll receive simply for being a “minority” high school student is an automatically higher test score on your SATs because of all of the “adversity” you’ve […]