All posts tagged with President Obama
-(Natural News) President Donald Trump has certainly brought some welcome relief to Americans in the form of curbing federal regulations, but he has a lot more to do — as do his Cabinet appointees — in terms of, shall we say, ‘defanging’ several agencies. They include the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Environmental Protection Agency […]
-(Natural News) To anyone who is fair, it’s patently clear the so-called “mainstream media” is little more than a propaganda machine for the Democratic Left. Though the media pretended to cover the scandals perpetrated by the Obama administration, they never spent nearly as much time, effort, and money investigating him the way they have scrutinized […]
-(Natural News) Most Americans who don’t earn their living in the news business don’t know that in recent weeks some 2,100 journalists, most of them from online news sources, have lost their jobs in a sort of industry bloodletting similar to the loss of factory jobs over the decades thanks to Left-wing trade policies. As […]
-(Natural News) Politics is a blood sport and politicians are hypocrites and neither of these facts is in dispute. But sometimes the lying and hypocrisy reach a critical level and must be pointed out for the good of the country. This is one of those times. Earlier this week, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., […]
-(Natural News) Reports on Thursday noted that POTUS Donald Trump is considering nominating an old Washington hand, William Barr, to replace Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Politicos may remember that name: Barr served as AG under President George H. W. Bush, who died earlier this week. If true, and Barr is seriously under consideration, some […]
-(Natural News) They say people are known by the company they keep, and if that’s true, then Bill and Hillary Clinton should find better people to associate with. In late November, the Justice Department announced it had indicted three senior executives at various U.S. defense contractors in connection with a plan to defraud the military […]
-(Natural News) Fallout from the overt politicization of the Justice Department by President Obama is continuing apace, as evidenced by yet another outrageous act committed by an FBI that continues to show contempt for the citizens it is supposed to serve. The latest victim is Dennis Nathan Cain, a whistleblower who had documents pertaining to […]
-(Natural News) For years, the so-called “establishment press” has steadily surrendered its journalistic ethics in pursuit of a Left-wing political agenda that focuses more on protecting certain people in power rather than expose them for the good of the country and the American people. Before Barack Obama was elected, the establishment media at least made […]
-(Natural News) As tensions mount along the U.S.-Mexico border near Tijuana, the so-called “establishment media” has already begun crafting a narrative to make it appear as though whatever calamity befalls the caravan of migrants — regardless if the migrants themselves are responsible for said calamities — the Trump administration will be blamed and, by default, […]
-(Natural News) For months, many conservatives have openly speculated what role former President Obama may have had in “Spygate” – the Deep State ‘counterintelligence’ operation launched to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign and infiltrate it with informants. Previously, some analysts who ought to know have said with certainty that they believe there is no […]
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