All posts tagged with preparedness and survival
-(Natural News) As you start to get the hang of prepping, you’ll eventually learn the proper way to store water for long-term use. (h/t to But while it might seem like several half-liter bottles of water will be enough, don’t forget that when SHTF, every person in your group will need at least a gallon of […]
-(Natural News) Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just a beginner in the field, you probably already have a list of must-have items that are included in your own personal kit. For most people, a survival kit involves only the bare essentials. And there are many who think that an emergency signaling mirror is one […]
-(Natural News) Thermal imaging has now become part and parcel of surveillance technology, and for good reason — Warm bodies and hot equipment continuously give off an invisible heat known as infrared light. It’s undetectable by the human eye, but not to thermal imaging equipment. This is both a good and bad thing: good if […]
-(Natural News) Save for geologists, jewelers, and glassmakers, the majority of us don’t give much thought to quartz. But we really should. It’s a mineral that, in the right hands, can become a practical and essential tool. How else could you describe something that could be used to start fires, tip hand drills, and serve […]
-(Natural News) Water is a necessity, plain and simple. Human beings can’t go for more than three days without it. Unfortunately, water is also a finite source. As the looming water crisis in Capetown, South Africa, has shown us, water supplies can be depleted. No one in their right mind wants that to happen to them, […]
-(Natural News) Formulating an emergency plan: It isn’t always easy to make or pull off, but it’s an absolute must in this world. You never know what will hit you and when, making it all the more important to get your entire family involved in disaster preparedness. Ensure that your family is ready for just […]
-(Natural News) Everybody knows that you need water to live. Without it, you’d be pushing in as little as 72 hours. What isn’t as common, however, is knowing how to purify water properly. If you think making potable water simply involves running it through a filter — you’ve just made one of the most common mistakes in […]
-(Natural News) Where do you begin with emergency preparation? Well, if you’re new to preparedness and survival, you start off with a three-day or 72-hour survival kit. As you can glean from the name, it’s a survival kit that’s supposed to get you through three days of an emergency. Anything can happen in 24 hours, […]