All posts tagged with prebiotics
-(Natural News) It can be difficult for some people to lose weight, but according to an animal study published in the journal Nutrients, extracts from agave may boost the diversity of the gut microbiota and help promote weight loss. The study was conducted by researchers from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National […]
-(Natural News) A recent study by scientists from the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China revealed that a polysaccharide present in the moringa plant (Moringa oleifera) has potential applications as a prebiotic with anti-obesity properties. In their report, which was published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, the team looked at MOs-2-a, a polysaccharide obtained from moringa […]
-(Natural News) Prebiotics, the fibers that feed the good bacteria in the gut, can protect children from the effects of early life stress (ELS), according to scientists from University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland and Mead Johnson Pediatric Nutrition Institute in Indiana and the Netherlands. Published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, their findings demonstrated that introducing prebiotics to mice […]
-(Natural News) There is now an even better reason for you to add prebiotics and probiotics to your diet. According to a new study in Cell Reports, the combination of these two — termed “synbiotics” — can be used to modulate the human gut microbiota and treat serious diseases like colorectal cancer. Prebiotics and probiotics: […]
-(Natural News) The dragon fruit, despite its interesting name, doesn’t breathe fire. What the unique tropical fruit does, however, is bring several health benefits. Research suggests that eating dragon fruit can boost your gut health and immunity. And you don’t even need to steal it from a dragon’s nest. Dragon fruit facts Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that comes […]
-(Natural News) Make it a habit to add fermented foods to your diet whenever they are available. Consuming probiotic meals and drinks will benefit your gut bacteria, digestion, and overall health. Fermentation adds microbes to food and drinks for preservation purposes. The good bacteria and yeast consume the sugars in the edibles. They continue to […]
-(Natural News) Your digestive health is crucial to your overall well-being. Following a balanced diet will help improve your digestion. If you are having digestive issues, consume gut-healthy foods like chia seeds or kimchi. Several studies suggest that there is a link between the diversity of the bacteria living in your gut — commonly referred to […]
-(Natural News) It’s not easy to lose weight, and it can be harder if you eat a lot of salty foods that cause water retention. To promote weight loss, eat more of the 27 superfoods listed below. Belly fat or visceral fat can be found inside your abdominal cavity, wrapped around your internal organs. While it can […]
-(Natural News) It is not a secret that fermented foods are immensely beneficial for gut health and total body wellness. But new research finds that fermentable carbohydrates and protein can be especially useful in correcting undernourishment and improving intestinal function. In malnourished children, it is not uncommon for gut functionality to suffer. This means their […]
-(Natural News) Your gut contains a combination of good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in your digestive tract. As long as you have a healthy balance between the good and bad gut bacteria, your immune system will have an extra boost to protect your body against external threats. If your […]