All posts tagged with potato chips
-(Natural News) There’s no denying that eating junk food is bad for your health, as it’s linked to obesity and an increased risk of various health problems. A report in the Annals of Internal Medicine even found that a diet full of junk food could eventually cause vision loss. Researchers from the University of Bristol in the U.K. looked at a […]
-(Natural News) Fried foods are full of acrylamide, a known carcinogen. According to research, consuming things like French fries at least twice a week can significantly increase the risk of premature death. For the study, which was conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers monitored 4,400 men and women for eight years. The participants were aged 45 […]
-(Natural News) Is that candy bar worth a lifetime of disease? As more evidence comes out on the dangerous effects of unhealthy snacks, are you willing to gamble your entire well-being for a few seconds of happiness? An interesting discussion written on The Daily Mail gave a second-by-second portrait of how junk food influences your […]
-(Natural News) If there’s one nutrient that we need to consume on a daily basis, it’s protein. Not only does protein help us maintain and build up muscle mass, it curbs hunger and makes us less likely to snack in-between meals. Obtaining protein is commonly associated with meat consumption, but eating too much meat can […]
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