All posts tagged with post-surgery
-(Natural News) A surgery can save a person’s life from an immediate threat, but it can carry long-term consequences on his health. A recent study in the British Journal of Surgery revealed that people who have gone under the knife have aged faster than those who didn’t undergo surgery. As a person grows older, his health generally […]
-(Natural News) Researchers suggest older people who are about to undergo surgery to consider receiving electroacupuncture prior to their operation. Their study, which was published in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur, found that preconditioning with electroacupuncture could improve the cognitive function among older patients after surgery. Electroacupuncture does this by reducing inflammatory reaction and brain injury. Researchers […]
-(Natural News) Watching videos that you enjoy can make you smile, laugh, or even relieve your stress for a short time. But do you know that watching funny videos can actually be helpful to people who recently had a surgery? A study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice revealed that watching videos […]
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