All posts tagged with politically correct
-(Natural News) A major supermarket chain Down Under is making global headlines for offering its transgender employees 10 more days off of paid leave than its non-transgender employees. Coles supermarket announced that it is aware of “at least 900 team members who identify as transgender or gender diverse” and wants to ensure that they receive […]
-(Natural News) Medical facilities all across England are embracing the “woke” new age as they adopt a new policy of asking all male patients whether or not they are “pregnant” at the time of receiving a medical procedure. New guidance from several National Health Service (NHS) trusts, which are similar to state hospital associations in […]
-(Natural News) Why any democracy would participate in any event hosted by China, especially the Olympic Games, is beyond comprehension, given the country’s abysmal human rights history and Communist authoritarianism. Then again, it is legitimate to ask why the Olympic Committee would have allowed China to host the games in the first place. Both of […]
-(Natural News) The Anti-Defamation League is actively seeking to dismiss the prolific extremist connections of Waukesha Christmas parade attacker Darrell Brooks. A Thursday tweet from the progressive organization claimed Darrell Brooks “does not appear to actively subscribe to an extremist ideology.” The ADL cited supposed “experts” in dismissing Brooks as an extremist. (Article by Richard Moorhead […]
-(Natural News) The U.S. military is the most powerful fighting force on the planet, so long as its members are actually taught to fight. But increasingly, American military men and women are being exposed less to the art of war fighting and combat and more to the left-wing “woke” culture of critical race theory, sexual […]
-(Natural News) Freedom-loving Twitter users everywhere came off the top rope on Tuesday to deliver the social media version of an atomic elbow to actor and former WWE star John Cena, after he apologized to China for calling Taiwan a country while promoting his upcoming film “F9.” (Article by Dylan Gwinn republished from Cena took to […]
-(Natural News) The best way to destroy the civil society so that Marxist revolution is possible is by eliminating criminal deterrence. For the past few years, George Soros-installed ‘prosecutors’ in America’s largest cities have worked to reduce sentences, toss cash bail, and just plain not charge perpetrators of certain crimes, all of which has contributed […]
-(Natural News) Despite the fact that there is hard data proving — not ‘suggesting’ but proving — there is no such thing as “systemic racism” being practiced by whites against minorities, the ‘woke’ left demands that everyone believe the lie or else suffer consequences. And what would those consequences be? Public shaming. Loss of status. Loss of […]
-(Natural News) A security guard who was alerted to the suspicious behavior of Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi 6 minutes before the terrorist blew himself up says he didn’t report Abedi for fear of being branded “racist”. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from Kyle Lawler told an inquiry into the incident, which […]
-(Natural News) The extreme liberalism that has overwhelmed most European countries is now beginning to overwhelm common sense and public safety, as one British detective’s claims indicate. As reported by the UK’s Telegraph, at least one Asian “grooming gang,” which is just a fancy term for rape, was permitted to continue roaming the streets of […]