All posts tagged with plastic containers
-(Natural News) The containers used for storing food are as important as the items that go inside them. Those made from glass and plastic are often the most ideal containers to keep food in. However, using either glass or plastic food containers has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is also the issue of reusing […]
-(Natural News) Storing food at home is different from storing them inside your car. Whether it’s going for a short ride or getting stranded in your car during an SHTF situation, having some food stored always comes in handy, just make sure to store them properly. (h/t to Choosing food to store The first […]
-(Natural News) Plastic waste is one of the leading causes of environmental problems today. While everyone’s looking for ways to solve this looming crisis, researchers from Yale University suggest using a mushroom that feasts on plastic. In their study, which appeared in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, the team said that Pestalotiopsis microspora can not only live off polyurethane – a compound […]
-(Natural News) Is it safe to store drinking water in plastic containers for long periods? The type of plastic the containers are made of will determine how long you can safely store water in them. Plastic contains various chemicals, many of which are toxic to humans. Some of these compounds may leach into the liquid stored […]
-(Natural News) The plastic packaging you use for storing your food contains toxic chemicals that will endanger your health. In an article in Natural Health 365, Australian researchers reported finding evidence that phthalates can lead to chronic diseases. A joint study by the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) and the University of […]
-(Natural News) Composting is known to be an environment-friendly practice of waste disposal. However, one study published in Science Advances suggests that organic compost and fertilizers may contain some amount of microplastics that make their way into freshwater and soil. Studies have highlighted the presence of microplastics in water, but researchers at the University of Bayreuth […]
-(Natural News) Durable, versatile, and affordable — the three qualities that make plastic so common in nearly every item we use, and the three biggest reasons why reducing plastic waste can be difficult to do. Indonesian start-up Evoware is working to change all that with bioplastics: a line of fully biodegradable plastics made from seaweed. […]
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