All posts tagged with plant science
-(Natural News) It may not seem like it, but plants can also experience stress – oxidative stress, that is – from absorbing too much light. Now, scientists are looking into the process by which plants manage oxidative stress. Researchers from Kobe University have recently released the results of a study that looked into how plants manage oxidative stress. The […]
-(Natural News) New research has revealed that specific plant proteins can identify signals linked to disease-causing agents using “baits” and trap them before they can affect a plant. The study, published in Genome Biology, looked at how “bait genes” are distributed in various wild and domestic grasses, as well as how they respond to protect the plant against a […]
-(Natural News) Are genetically modified crops actually equivalent to real food? New research has shown the answer to that question is an emphatic “no.” Despite Big Biotech’s claims that their GMO crops are “the same” as regular, traditionally cultivated crops, dramatic differences in phenotypes show that this assertion is simply untrue. While many people have […]
-(Natural News) Your biology teacher would tell you that chloroplasts are the parts of plant cells that turn sunlight into food via photosynthesis. However, chloroplasts also pull double duty by warning the plant’s nucleus about a pathogenic infection or an environmental stressor, reported a NewsWise article. This insight comes from a collaborative study between the University of Delaware (UD) and […]
-(Natural News) Science can be used as a manipulative tool to distort nature for material gain, or science can help us unlcok secrets of consciousness, interconnectivity, and the intelligent design existing throughout nature. In a stunning new discovery, scientists reveal that parasitic dodder plants communicate with host plants to provide self defense against insects. There are […]