All posts tagged with plant-based diet
-(Natural News) Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects a man’s ability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. Occasional ED isn’t uncommon and it is often linked to stress. However, frequent ED may be caused by health problems that need treatment. According to research, following a plant-based diet can […]
-(Natural News) Numerous studies have shown that following a plant-based diet offers many health benefits, such as promoting weight loss and boosting heart health. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, reducing animal product intake and following a plant-based diet can also help lower your heart disease risk by decreasing the […]
Following a plant-based diet and reducing sulfur amino acid intake found to lower heart disease risk
-(Natural News) Many health experts recommend plant-based diets to those who wish to improve their well-being. According to a study, eating more fruits and veggies can also help lower the risk for heart disease. The study was conducted by researchers from Pennsylvania State University and published in the clinical journal EClinicalMedicine. The researchers, led by John Richie, […] -
-(Natural News) New research published in the journal Diabetologia found that the consumption of healthy plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, coffee and legumes is associated with a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D). The study, which was conducted by a team from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, sought to identify […]
-(Natural News) Health experts are now looking into the possibility of using diet to treat migraines after a man successfully eliminated his debilitating headaches by adopting a plant-based diet. The patient, who suffered from severe headaches for more than a decade, said that his migraines made it almost impossible for him to do his job. His migraines started to disappear […]
-(Natural News) People who eat a plant-based diet are less likely to contract COVID-19 and become severely ill with the disease, according to a recent study by researchers from Harvard Medical School, King’s College London and the health science company ZOE. The researchers analyzed data from over 590,000 people from the United States and the United Kingdom who answered […]
-(Natural News) People who eat high-quality diets containing fruits, vegetables and fish are less likely to contract the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and become severely ill with the disease, according to a preprint released recently on medRxiv. A team of researchers from King’s College London, Harvard Medical School and the health science company ZOE analyzed data from more […]
-(Natural News) When the topic of helping the environment comes up, we often hear the same advice over and over: Don’t litter. Don’t drive to places that are within walking distance. Use natural products. Eat organic food. But one thing we don’t often hear mentioned is the impact that following a healthier diet can have. […]
-(Natural News) Vegan beetroot curry is a flavorful, colorful dish that can surely spice up your dinner routine while benefiting your body. It’s perfect for people who are adhering to a plant-based diet but are looking to add flavor and color to their meals. Beetroot curry: Healthful and flavorful Beetroot curry owes its crimson color to […]
-(Natural News) Emerging research points to a helpful role of plant-based diets in managing certain chronic health conditions. For instance, some studies indicate that adopting a plant-based diet could help ease pain and inflammation linked to rheumatoid arthritis, a lifelong condition that affects the joints. In a major breakthrough, a team of researchers from the George […]