All posts tagged with pickles
-(Natural News) Pickling is a simple way of retaining the crispness of summer vegetables and boosting their nutritional value. It will cost you less money and less effort to conserve fresh vegetables. You just need plenty of sterilized jars and the golden trinity of pickling –vinegar, water and rock salt. The science of using vinegar […]
-(Natural News) The ancient practice of pickling to preserve food is considered a culinary art. Different cultures have their own versions of pickled foods, which are either preserved in a strong acid like vinegar or a salt brine that encourages fermentation. Foods preserved using the latter technique are not only safe from bad bacteria that […]
-(Natural News) Pickling is a handy skill to have, especially when SHTF – and you don’t need expensive equipment or a large work area to start pickling. Pickling can easily extend the shelf life of many perishable food items like fruits or vegetables. (h/t to Pickling, one of the oldest methods of food preservation, involves submerging your food of […]
-(Natural News) Don’t underestimate the tiny organisms living in your gut. These bacteria not only affect your ability to digest your food, they can also make or break your chances of contracting and developing liver disease. Recent studies demonstrate the vast importance of a well-balanced microbiome, the microorganisms that call your gut home. Imbalance in […]
-(Natural News) Pickling is a good way to extend the shelf life of fresh produce, especially if you want to stock up on winter vegetables during summer or vice versa. Almost any vegetable can be pickled, as long as it’s fresh. (h/t to Pickling basics Once you’ve decided on what you’re going to pickle, select […]