All posts tagged with pharmaceutical dependence
-(Natural News) It’s now apparent that the U.S. Justice Department has granted Dr. Anthony Fauci total immunity from any and all prosecution. Fauci appeared at a White House press briefing on January 26 to bark out new orders for all children under the age of four. Fauci declared that all children will eventually be inoculated […]
-(Natural News) It took less than a year for Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to come clean about the failure of his mRNA vaccine program. In a recent interview, Bourla confessed that the first two doses of spike protein mRNA only offer “limited protection” against covid-19. He even cast doubt on the “booster” shot, claiming it […]
-(Natural News) The masters of science at the NIH, CDC and the FDA have made it their priority to snuff out any cheap, effective solutions for combating viral infections. These agencies have suppressed known treatments, nutraceuticals and anti-viral extracts, to make way for historic investments in new vaccine technologies and other profiteering scams generated by […]
-(Natural News) The various COVID vaccines being rushed into existence do not operate as traditional biologics (vaccines) and are being falsely represented and regulated as such. Standard vaccines introduce attenuated (weakened) forms of a target virus, in conjunction with inflammatory adjuvant and other chemicals. These new mRNA, adenovirus-vectored, and DNA vaccines utilize the “software” of […]
-(Natural News) A laboratory virus experiment that cannot be questioned or debated has no resemblance to science. “Covid-19 vaccines” do not even function like a traditional biologic and cannot be considered a vaccine. This project has not undergone a traditional FDA approval process and was pressured into existence through fraud and coercion. Dr. Anthony Fauci […]
-(Natural News) The never-ending cycle of side effects and adverse reactions that come from pharmaceutical drugs adds nearly half a trillion dollars to U.S. health care costs annually. A team of researchers from the University of California San Diego computed the true costs of pharmaceutical drugs. The real reason health insurance and medical care is […]