All posts tagged with Pfizer vaccine
-(Natural News) A recent Israeli study showed an increase in cardiovascular complications after getting injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The result estimated that the risk of myocarditis is now at 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 6,000 in men aged 16 to 24 following the second dose. “The findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced […]
-(Natural News) Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed higher Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) case rates among fully vaccinated children aged five to 11 compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. CDC reported a weekly case rate of 250.02 per 100,000, compared to 245.82 per 100,000 for unvaccinated children in the said age group on Feb. […]
-(Natural News) It is a sad state of affairs when the leading manufacturers of vaccines confess that their own favorite mantra of “safe and effective” means nothing and has been fabricated as propaganda to push their dangerous experiment solely for profits. This is not some rogue doctor’s opinion, or some journalists spreading “misinformation,” but rather […]
-(Natural News) Americans will be required to take an annual COVID-19 vaccine if Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla gets his way. In what is obviously a naked attempt to drive up big pharma profits, Bourla said last week “a vaccine that will be taken once a year is way [easier] to administer and have the population be compliant […]
-(Natural News) In recent weeks, big pharma giant Pfizer, with an assist from the Biden Justice Department, went to court to shield certain safety data from the general public for at least 55 years, a shocking attempt at secrecy the likes that Americans haven’t seen since the JFK cover-up. Fortunately for advocates of transparency, a […]
-(Natural News) It appears as though the left-wing New York Times is reluctantly admitting that Americans living in “red” (meaning Republican) counties around the country have developed longer-lasting immunity from COVID-19 than Democrat (“blue”) counterparts. In a recent edition of the Times’ ‘The Morning‘ flagship e-mail newsletter, columnist David Leonhardt notes: There is one big new development. When […]
-(Natural News) A dossier is a file containing detailed records and various documents relating to the affairs of a particular person or subject, and those “affairs” can be medical, criminal, or both. The first part of the word, “dos,” is French with origins in the Latin dorsum, as in the “dorsal” fin on the back […]
-(Natural News) While many Americans are terrified to even visit a hospital during these scamdemic times, Pfizer says your symptoms of irregular heartbeat shouldn’t be ignored, especially if you just got their Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jab. The company that brought you the most deadly “vaccine” to ever hit the allopathic market, is suddenly running cover […]
-(Natural News) (Op-ed) Welcome to 2022, and it really hasn’t been so long since the opioid epidemic was “uncovered” by truth news, proving that everything “science” isn’t always good for your health, humanity, the Earth and basic survival. Take an overhead look and it’s plain as day to see. Two engineered crises. One based on […]
-(Natural News) It wouldn’t make sense in a military battle to get out of an armored tank and walk around on the battlefield swinging a stick. In the same light, during this pandemic battle, it makes no sense to get a next-to-useless Covid vaccine after establishing powerful, long-lasting natural immunity to Covid-19. That’s why even […]