
Signs that your cat has cancer

My best friends are chickens now, but I’ve spent plenty time with a few independent felines. According to Smithsonian Magazine, cats were domesticated 12,000 years ago, right around the time man began to organize his foodstuffs – primarily grains. The cats came meandering and moved in for a meal. The people suddenly had rodent control, therefore both parties Read More

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How family pets benefit from holistic nutrition and organic pet food (Video)

The Health Ranger interviews Tes from, who has been turned on to the extraordinary benefits of organic nutrition for raising healthy, happy poodles. See more lab videos from the Health Ranger at


Six healthy people foods pets can’t eat

It’s hard not to want to share food with your pet, especially healthy foods. But not all things that are good for humans are good for pets. Here’s a list of six foods that you should never give your pet: Dairy products: Though cats and dogs are known for loving milk and cheese, it may Read More

Credit: Flickr

How the pet food industry is killing your pet

Decorated in colorful, vibrant packaging and costing a pretty penny, commercial pet food is one product many of us blindly trust; after all, who would want to hurt animals? Turns out, a lot of people, including the commercial pet food industry, which only recently gained popularity in the 1980s. The commercial pet food industry is Read More