All posts tagged with Personality
-(Natural News) Following a nutritious diet is important for your overall well-being. And according to a study published in the journal Nature, what you eat may even influence your personality. The results of the study conducted by researchers from Texas A&M University showed that your diet could be linked to different personality traits. Gut health and personality traits […]
-(Natural News) Studies show that the way people spend their money can reveal some aspects of their personality, and it’s only a matter of time before corporations and governments take advantage of this fact to further their own agendas. Researchers from University College London and Columbia University analyzed the spending of more than 2,000 UK […]
-(Natural News) Lead is a toxic metal found in the Earth’s crust. Because of its widespread use, health problems around the world has increased. Throughout the years, researchers have been studying the health hazard of lead exposure, and recently they found that adults who were exposed to high levels of lead when they were young […]
-(Natural News) Anyone has the ability to leave people thinking about them – for the right reasons – if he or she just follows these three simple steps, researchers say. According to cognitive scientist Carmen Simon, who is also the author of the book Impossible to Ignore, there are three ways to be sure that […]