All posts tagged with pcr fake
-(Natural News) Blame it on partying and voting. Within a week, nearly a dozen House Democrats claim they tested positive for Wuhan Flu after they sat around boozing together mask-less while talking political strategies for the upcoming midterm elections. The rest claim they caught the scamdemic disease while “late night” voting for their next spending (money-laundering) […]
-(Natural News) Fear is big business. In America, the prescription and administration of nearly all medications, surgeries and vaccines are all based on fear, not science. Are you afraid of getting cancer? Thousands of mammograms (a.k.a. ‘scammograms’) turn out to be false-positives, leading patients to get expensive diagnostics run, surgery, radiation and even chemotherapy, when […]
-(Natural News) Covid is a group of symptoms, not a disease, according to one of the world’s leading virus experts, Dr. Judy Mikovitz. When you test “positive” for Covid, you’re really just testing positive for common colds, flu viruses and pathogens from previous vaccines. When most people run a high fever, their body is actually […]