All posts tagged with pavement
-(Natural News) Researchers at Iowa State University (ISU) who accidentally discovered soy-based asphalt technology will be making this groundbreaking discovery nationally available for commercial use by next year. The ISU researchers have been testing the product, known as the “Invigorate Rejuvenator,” for roughly a decade. They recently launched SoyLei Innovations, from where they are developing the rejuvenator – […]
-(Natural News) On a really hot day, you can feel the heat rising from the pavement. And if it’s painful for you, it’s even more hurtful for plants that can’t move to shadier places. According to an article in the International Journal of Urban Forestry, pavements can re-radiate so much heat from reflected sunlight that nearby […]
-(Natural News) While solar energy is a clean source of energy, not everyone can afford the often expensive installation costs. Now, a recent article has revealed that we might soon be able to harness solar energy from hot pavements. Samer Dessouky, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at The University of Texas at San […]