
The Homestead Wife Makes Turmeric Milk (Video)

I was tired and sore in this video! But that’s sometimes just what homesteading is like. And turmeric milk helps. This video features the song “Turning Clouds Into Mountains” by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. http://mrandmrssmithhollis.com/ TURMERIC MILK: Quickest way: To a cup of warm milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a generous shaking Read More


Are nightshade vegetables the source of your inflammation?

Some of your favorite vegetables might just be the source of your pain. If you suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, it might be beneficial for you to give up those nightshade vegetables. Research suggests up to 90% of people who suffer from inflammation and various pains are actually sensitive to nightshades. Nightshade vegetables include Read More