All posts tagged with oysters
-(Natural News) Foods that enhance the sex drive have been around for centuries and different cultures revere different types of food as aphrodisiacs. Foods resembling human genitalia like bananas, oysters, avocados and peaches are still believed to help increase libido. Spicy foods like hot peppers cause sweating and increase heart rate, which are sensations typically associated […]
-(Natural News) There are many causes of dry skin. Environmental factors such as weather and lifestyle choices can contribute to the skin’s lack of hydration. Topical moisturizers exist to address this problem, but sometimes, they are not enough to provide the moisture your skin needs. This may be because you lack moisture internally, and these topical […]
-(Natural News) Health organizations have been eyeing oysters for the possibility of carrying the E. coli bacteria, but what they have been missing is that these bivalves are carrying something more dangerous – the norovirus. Recent studies showed that 69 percent of oysters sold in the U.K. market is infected with norovirus and is responsible for poisoning 12,000 […]
-(Natural News) A new study has discovered that mussels, clams, and oysters “produce ridiculous levels” of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in a year. The research team from Cardiff University and Stockholm University have stated in their paper that these marine creatures made these gases, particularly methane and nitrous oxides, through bacteria in their guts. The methane that is […]
-(Natural News) Researchers at William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) have determined the role of oysters in reducing nutrient pollution through inference of the denitrification potential of microbiomes in the gut and shell of eastern oysters. The study is the first to identify and quantify the potential denitrifying nature of bacteria in oysters using a new computer […]
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