All posts tagged with outdoors
-(Natural News) A team of researchers from Kuopio, a city in forest-rich Finland, conducted a study linking frequent visits to green spaces to lower use of certain prescription drugs. The 10 researchers from the department of health security at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare wanted to find out if the amount of residential […]
-(Natural News) According to data, at least 70 percent of American households have pets. Many of these pets are also treated like family so if you’re a prepper, it makes sense to pack a pet preparedness kit or bug-out bag for your four-legged best friend. Before SHTF, make sure your cat, dog or other pet has supplies in […]
-(Natural News) In the summer, camping is a great way to take advantage of the warm weather and embrace the great outdoors as well as a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, camping can be uncomfortable once the sun reaches its zenith. Knowing how to stay cool while camping is an essential skill that will greatly increase your enjoyment and […]
-(Natural News) Being alone in the wilderness means that you’re the only person you can depend on – and it requires a special frame of mind to ensure that you can beat the odds. The first, and most important, step is to become aware of what it means – and what it demands of you. […]
-(Natural News) When everything is racist, then nothing is — and that’s a lesson the cultural Marxists running our ‘mainstream’ media outlets should have learned long ago. Take CNN for instance: Now, anything having to do with outdoor activity is a racist construct devised by white people to keep people of color down…or something like […]
-(Natural News) Foaming hand soap is easy and affordable to make, and kids may even have more fun using it to wash their hands more diligently. DIY hand soaps are also a good way to remove more toxic chemicals from your home. Store-bought hand soaps contain harsh chemicals and compounds, and even endocrine disruptors that […]
-(Natural News) The far-left Australian capital of Melbourne has decided that in order to keep its residents “safe” against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), everyone will now be required to wear a mask while drinking alcohol outside. In a press announcement, Premier Daniel Andrews explained that residents of Melbourne will need to figure out a way […]
-(Natural News) When packing your survival kit, it’s easy to get carried away by adding various tools and supplies. But you only really need a few basic but versatile tools to survive in any situation. Survival expert David Canterbury thought as much, which led to him creating the “10 C’s of Survival” list. The 10 C’s of […]
-(Natural News) Part of prepping is making sure everyone in your family knows how to survive when SHTF, including children. Setting up your children for success in life means teaching them basic, age-appropriate survival skills. Although babies and toddlers are not going to be much help in an emergency, you can start training your little prepper as […]
-(Natural News) A claim by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that “less than 10 percent” of all cases of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) transmission occur outdoors is wildly misleading, The New York Times is reporting. The reality, the Times says, is that less than one percent of Chinese Virus cases occur from […]