All posts tagged with Oranges
-(Natural News) A balanced diet should include nutritious fruits like apples and berries, which are full of beneficial compounds like antioxidants. A study published in the journal Neurology suggests that consuming a portion of strawberries every other day can also help extend the lives of people with Parkinson’s disease. Drinking tea and orange juice and eating apples […]
-(Natural News) Citrus fruits like oranges make for tasty, healthy snacks. Unfortunately, many people chuck the peels right into the garbage bin after they’re done. But what may look like garbage could have a few practical uses in the house. So the next time you enjoy a juicy, tangy orange, save the peels and reuse […]
-(Natural News) Seville, the capital city of the Andalusia region in southern Spain, is popular for its orange trees. However, they are less a source of pride for locals and more a nuisance. The trees produce bitter fruits that are unsuitable for eating. Normally, they are simply left to fall and rot or get squashed […]
-(Natural News) The historic weather event that ravaged Texas also destroyed much of the state’s citrus crop, we have learned. Though the full impact of the arctic blast that left millions without power for days on end will take several weeks to assess, reports are already indicating that grapefruit and other citrus crops have been […]
-(Natural News) Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious, airborne infection that primarily targets the lungs, but can spread to other organs if left unchecked. According to the World Health Organization, TB is still one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases worldwide, killing 1.5 million out of the 10 million people diagnosed with the disease […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Nutrients has shown evidence that ingesting large doses of vitamin C can shorten patient trips to the ICU. The authors of the study, Dr. Harri Hemila and Dr. Elizabeth Chalker, looked through previous publications that studied the effects of vitamin C on the length of ICU stay or the duration […]
-(Natural News) Anyone who’s ever suffered from constipation knows that the condition is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. But the topic is rarely discussed in casual conversation because it’s considered gross or embarrassing. There are many ways to treat the condition, but one unusual remedy calls for cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and a whole orange. Will you eat orange peels to relieve constipation? Constipation […]
-(Natural News) Taking care of your gut is important for supporting your overall health. One of the ways to improve gut health is to consume orange juice and other citrus fruits, according to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food. In this study, a team of researchers from Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) […]
-(Natural News) A team of researchers from Sao Paulo State University and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil evaluated the effects of daily orange juice consumption on blood lipids, lipids, and gut flora. They published their findings in the Journal of Medicinal Food. Gut microbiota can be improved by consuming bioactive compounds like hesperidin […]
-(Natural News) A person with constipation has difficulty emptying their bowels and the condition may cause pain and discomfort. To relieve constipation, drink lots of water and eat fiber-rich fruits like apples and pears. The signs and symptoms of constipation If you have constipation, you suffer from irregular and tough bowel movements, which can cause lower […]