All posts tagged with Off-the-grid living
-(Natural News) Living in a trailer is a good fit for preppers looking for a more flexible lifestyle. It gives preppers the opportunity to apply their survival skills, bug out promptly in the event of a disaster and save more money for their survival stockpile. If you’re new to prepping on the road, here’s a guide to […]
-(Natural News) Homesteading and farming can be very rewarding. However, it does come with several responsibilities, not the least of which is protecting your livestock from predation. (h/t to Classified as “wildlife damage,” predation ?– especially when left unchecked ?– can prove to be a costly problem for farmers and homesteaders in the long run. In […]
-(Natural News) If you’re an aspiring gardener but your backyard receives little to no sunlight, don’t despair. By making small changes and doing your research, you can still grow fresh vegetables in a shade garden. (h/t to What is a shade garden? If you have a shade garden, you can grow vegetables that will […]
-(Natural News) Don’t get stuck on the dream stage when thinking about your own homestead. With some planning and hard work, you can also set up a backyard homestead for all your prepping needs. (h/t to Getting started If you’re serious about homesteading, you need to understand one thing. Before you can relax on your […]
-(Natural News) Although protein powders are more commonly used by body builders for building muscles, they are a great addition to your prepper stockpile. You can also add them to your diet now. Because many people don’t get enough protein, some supplement with protein powders. A good-quality protein powder can be a nutritious snack. Many […]
-(Natural News) Because there are many medical devices available, it can get confusing to choose which ones to invest in. To help you out, here are six medical devices that may be important to have when SHTF. (h/t to #1 Advisory external defibrillators (AEDs) Having an AED on hand could save lives, especially in […]
-(Natural News) A good prepper knows how to make the most of any item in his home. In the case of kitchen scraps like vegetable leftovers, you may turn them into a new source of food by regrowing them in a little soil or even a glass of water. (h/t to Many vegetables regrow […]
-(Natural News) You can always grow your own medicinal herbs or source them from the wild. But if you could only have one medicinal herb in your survival bag, it should probably be cayenne pepper. Cayenne peppers are a type of chili pepper that belongs to the nightshade family of flowering plants. Originally grown in […]
-(Natural News) Survival skills are techniques to ensure that your personal safety and basic needs such as food, water, and shelter, are met. They are not commonly taught but can save your life during disasters. Here are five skills that every prepper must possess, especially when bugging out. (h/t to Getting clean water When bugging […]
-(Natural News) As a prepper, expanding your medical knowledge is important. However, there are some life-saving medical practices that are often overlooked. (h/t to #1 Washing your hands thoroughly Washing your hands with soap and water is a simple practice that can save your life, but it is almost completely forgotten or neglected. How […]