All posts tagged with nuclear meltdown
-(Natural News) It has been seven years since the worst industrial disaster in all of human history happened in Fukushima, yet its devastating effects are still being felt to this day. As a matter of fact, experts have just discovered that more melted fuel can be found at the site, and that it may take […]
-(Natural News) Remember Fukushima? Most of us who live on the other side of the world can tell you it was the site of a triple nuclear meltdown six years ago, but that’s all in the past now, right? The truth is that the effects of the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant […]
-(Natural News) When a partial meltdown struck the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in March 1979, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission tried to downplay the incident. Much like the officials involved in the Fukushima meltdown, they said at the time that the radiation released into the environment was only in […]
-(Natural News) It seems like today the United States has more foreign threats than we can count. Not only are tensions with Russia on the rise, but America is also being simultaneously threatened by Syria and North Korea. On top of it all, the Islamic State is on the move, carrying out horrific acts of […]
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