All posts tagged with norepinephrine
-(Natural News) As a person ages, his cognitive function declines. He becomes more prone to memory loss and slow recall. But it’s possible for him to delay (or even reverse) this decline by doing mental exercises – better known as brain training. What is brain training? Brain training refers to performance tasks that aim to […]
-(Natural News) There’s nothing like a good old adrenaline rush to keep us going during stressful situations. Of course, an adrenaline rush can’t last forever. After expending large amounts of energy, eventually, the creeping sense of exhaustion makes itself known. We feel burnt out and our once-rapid momentum slows to a crawl. This is perfectly normal for […]
-(Natural News) There are a lot of nootropic supplements in the market and considering that they exert a tremendous effect on your brain (they’re meant to improve mental performance, after all), you might be scared of their possible side-effects. The good news is that natural, side-effect-free nootropics actually exist. The term nootropics can refer to any […]
-(Natural News) Breathing does more than sustain life. When practiced with meditation, it can benefit the body and, according to Irish researchers, help with ADHD and cognitive decline. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children and teenagers. As its name suggests, it is characterized by the inability to focus and […]
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