All posts tagged with Ninth Circuit
-(Natural News) Now that Democrats control Congress again, albeit by very slim margins, they have predictably relaunched their war on the Second Amendment. The full amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Typically, […]
-(Natural News) Once again, another judicial activist federal judge is pretending to have more authority than the head of the Executive Branch, President Donald Trump. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar, who was appointed to the libtard judicial capital of the country – the Ninth Circuit – by Barack “Spygate” Obama, blocked the Trump […]
-(Natural News) The American Left, now in full control of the misnamed ‘Democratic’ Party, has launched an all-out assault against the Trump administration, the president himself, against our Constitution and our republic as founded. The latest evidence is embodied in the effort to prevent the administration from including a question about immigration status in the […]
-(Natural News) According to a blockbuster new analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies, a total of 72 individuals who came from President Trump’s seven named terror-linked countries have been convicted in terrorism-related cases since 9/11. This finding demolishes the absurd, fact-less assertion of the Ninth Circuit judges who claimed there is “no evidence” of […]