All posts tagged with new england journal of medicine
-(Natural News) The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has banned Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA (messenger RNA) technology, from accessing its journal website. In a series of tweets, Malone complained that the NEJM apparently manually blocked his IP address in a “petty act” of retribution for him speaking out against the dangers […]
-(Natural News) World-renowned infectious disease specialist Dr. Didier Raoult, with the support of three of his colleagues, has published an “expression of concern” regarding some of the junk science that has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) as of late. Posted to the website of the University Hospital Institute IHU-Méditerranée Infection […]
-(Natural News) The French world-level specialist of infectious diseases and promoter of the hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin treatment for COVID-19, Dr. Didier Raoult, and three of his colleagues from the University Hospital Institute IHU-Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France, posted an “expression of concern” on the IHU’s website last Friday regarding recent papers published by a distinguished medical journal, the NEJM […]
-(Natural News) A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts to make the case that people who refuse a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed to work and make a living. In order to enforce compliance with potential vaccine mandates, the paper, entitled, “Ensuring […]
-(Natural News) The World Health Organization and governments around the world have been using flawed data to withhold a viable treatment for patients with covid-19. The trusted data, published in prestigious medical journals, turns out to be fraudulent and comes from an obscure medical analytics company that is run in part by a science fiction […]
-(Natural News) New evidence has emerged to suggest that deep-seated corruption within the Big Pharma establishment is having a detrimental impact on the quality of information published by highly esteemed medical journals such as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). A leaked, closed-door discussion between the editors-in-chief of these two journals […]
-(Natural News) After the common anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine proved effective in treating coronavirus patients, President Trump heralded the drug and even said he was using it himself as a preventive measure. Of course, it didn’t take long for the mainstream media to find ways that the President must be wrong about this. They could barely […]
-(Natural News) The recent retractions of two studies on treatments for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) have put into question the methods by which studies like these are vetted. The studies in question were pulled from The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) due to questionable patient health data supplied by healthcare analytics company, Surgisphere. “Whenever you don’t know […]
-(Natural News) In the months since it first emerged, scientists have learned many things about deadly coronavirus behind the global pandemic. A new study revealed that it can stay on plastic for 72 hours — three days — and that keeping two meters (six-and-a-half feet) apart may not be enough. A television new program set to […]
-(Natural News) Do you remember when we were all told that butter was a sure way to guarantee an early death? Now we’re hearing it isn’t so bad after all. Eggs have gone from being a recipe for high cholesterol to “nature’s perfect food.” When it comes to medicine, it can be even cloudier: Do […]