All posts tagged with Neurofeedback
-(Natural News) Looking for a way to improve your mental skills in under an hour? Try a brain training game that uses neurofeedback to boost your neural connection, suggest Brazilian researchers. This was the main finding of a study led by the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), which was published in the scientific journal NeuroImage. Neurofeedback is […]
-(Natural News) The number of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has risen by over 41 percent in the last decade, making it the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorder in the U.S. Apart from conventional treatments for the condition, researchers are looking into plant-based compounds called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) as possible alternatives. As […]
-(Natural News) It’s no secret that the brain does a lot of work. Since this little part of our body is responsible for ensuring that everything works just fine, it’s important to make sure that it gets an adequate amount of blood flow day in and out. Accomplishing this isn’t even as complicated as it sounds and […]