All posts tagged with natural stress relief
-(Natural News) A Japanese study indicated that the essential oil of lemons and other citrus fruits might relieve stress better than pharmaceutical drugs. It showed that people who smelled yuzu experienced considerable improvements in anger, anxiety, confusion, and depression. The effects appeared as early as 10 minutes after they began inhaling the fragrance of the citrus fruit. Researchers at Shitennoji University investigated the mood-boosting effects of […]
-(Natural News) More and more people have been paying visits to the nearest forest to relieve anxiety and stress. Italian researchers reported that this practice of “forest bathing” can improve the levels of stress hormones. Since ancient times, people have benefited from taking walks in the forest. In 1982, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, […]
-(Natural News) You can look and feel young again without resorting to toxic “beauty products” or costly “cosmetic surgery.” If you press certain acupressure points on your face and body, your skin will take on a fresh new glow within days. Before you start, find a quiet place. Empty your mind, breathe evenly through your […]
-(Natural News) If you’re feeling stressed out, welcome to the club. Statistics show that stress in general, as well as extreme levels of stress, are both on the rise in the United States — and many people feel they’re simply not doing enough to manage that stress. There are plenty of tried-and-true methods that can […]