All posts tagged with natural anti-inflammatory
-(Natural News) There is an easy and natural way to keep looking – and feeling – young, even as you age. Chow down on apples, strawberries, and other fruits that are loaded with the anti-aging molecule fisetin. Fisetin is an antioxidant flavonoid that fights aging. It is a natural senolytic, a molecule that can seek out […]
-(Natural News) Arthritis is an unfortunate part of getting older for many people. If you’re not experiencing it now, there’s a good chance you will as the CDC predicts that one out of every two individuals will develop osteoarthritis by their 85th birthday. The good news is that you might not be stuck taking pills […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to opposing oxidative stress and infections, vitamin C has few equals or superiors. An article in Natural Health 365 stated that the natural antioxidant is a promising means of treating a serious form of blood infection known as sepsis. Sepsis is a complication where the immune system overreacts to the infection […]