All posts tagged with National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
-(Natural News) This upcoming Thursday marks the 33rd anniversary of the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NVCIA), which exempts the vaccine industry from all liability associated with injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. And in honor of the tens of thousands of children who’ve fallen victim to these liability-free vaccines, thousands of […]
-(Natural News) Legislators in Minnesota have introduced four separate resolutions aimed at restoring the provisions once contained in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) that recognized the constitutional right of Americans injured or killed by vaccines to pursue rightful justice against vaccine manufacturers in a court of law. HF 2862, HF 2825, SF 2781, […]
-(Natural News) You’ve probably heard some variation of the following line before: “But I was vaccinated, and I’m just fine” – a typical response from someone who was vaccinated prior to 1986 when you express concern about vaccine safety. But that’s because everything changed that year, as the vaccine industry was given free reign to […]
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