All posts tagged with muscle pain
-(Natural News) An elderly woman on Wednesday, April 7, died just hours after receiving her first coronavirus (COVID-19) jab at the Blue Care Yurana Aged Care Facility in Queensland, Australia. The 82-year-old resident of the aged care facility was reportedly given the Pfizer vaccine at 10 a.m. She died three hours later. Police authorities were […]
-(Natural News) Over-the-counter medicines (OTCs) are a double-edged sword: They are readily available and can relieve your symptoms quickly, but once you have become reliant on them, they can make you sicker with adverse side effects. Ibuprofen is one such OTC medicine: While it’s used at a rate of billions of doses every year to […]
-(Natural News) The American Chiropractic Association defines posture as the position in which people hold their bodies. There are two kinds of posture: good posture and poor posture. Good posture can reduce your back pain, decrease your risk of injury, improve blood circulation and reduce the amount of stress placed on your muscles and joints. Poor posture, on […]
-(Natural News) The available research on statin use and Type 2 diabetes risk provides varied results. But a recent study revealed that the cholesterol-lowering medication significantly heightens the risk of Type 2 diabetes. The study, published in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, also showed that individuals who took statins for at least two years were at […]
-(Natural News) Everyone has experienced having sore and strained muscles after a hard day’s work. Instead of reaching for NSAIDs and other pharmaceutical drugs that cause adverse effects, switch to home remedies to alleviate mild or moderate muscle pain the natural way. It is easy to identify the seriousness of the muscle strain. Pick the […]
-(Natural News) Athletes looking for a new supplement to boost their performance may try quercetin. A new pilot study reveals that quercetin can reduce muscular pain and cramps after exercise. This study was carried out by a team of researchers from Italy who sought to determine the potential sports nutrition benefits of quercetin. These findings […]
-(Natural News) Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicinal approach that applies pressure to certain points in the body to stimulate the corresponding muscles and organs. There are seven points, in particular, that are commonly used to relieve pain in the musculoskeletal system. Putting pressure on these points reduces the pain emanating from the injured or […]
-(Natural News) Bed rest is the perfect remedy for certain conditions, but too much of it can be risky for your health. Not only will it eventually give you back pain, but too much of it can also lead to serious health problems. If you are stressed or down with a condition that requires a […]
-(Natural News) Physical activity is one of the many ways to alleviate chronic back pain. However, if you frequently suffer from an aching back, it can sometimes make one reluctant to exercise in the first place. Fortunately, aquatic therapy can provide an easy solution to help relieve back pain and strengthen your spine. Aquatic therapy, also […]
-(Natural News) Muscle pain and soreness typically occur after exercise. According to a study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, these can be reduced by supplementing with ginger. The study, which was carried out by a researcher from the Old Dominion University in the U.S., looked at the effect of ginger supplementation on muscle […]