All posts tagged with Mitch McConnell
-(Natural News) Most conservative discussions about the problems of our day seem to center around how the Democrats are destroying everything with their far-left policies. Truth be told, many (if not most) Republicans are no better. The GOP is filled, it turns out, with corrupt, spineless Republican politicians who govern (if you can even call […]
-(Natural News) Former top Trump political adviser Steve Bannon said on his Thursday “War Room” podcast that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is to blame for the Democrats’ shifting away from Joe Biden’s massively expensive and misnamed “Build Back Better” legislation so they can focus instead on rendering moot all state voter integrity laws […]
-(Natural News) The goal posts have moved again, and now the deep state puppeteers controlling the white house have decided that in order to “go back to normal,” about 98 percent of America must get “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). While getting fake injected with a “booster” shot – watch the video below and […]
-(Natural News) Senate Republicans pushed back on ATF nominee David Chipman after agents raised questions about him in a report by The Reload and corroborated the existence of a complaint he made racist remarks while working for the agency. (Article by Stephen Gutowski republished from Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) told President Joe Biden on Thursday to […]
-(Natural News) Data from last year’s miserable lockdowns that lasted months longer than they should have in mostly blue states is just starting to come in, and from the looks of it, we’re safe in saying that shutting down the globe’s No. 1 economy wasn’t the smartest idea in the box. In fact, if you […]
-(Natural News) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been mounting a spirited defense of the filibuster in the face of Democratic efforts to permanently eliminate it. (Article republished from During remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday, McConnell warned that the Republican Party would go “scorched earth” to prevent the passage of Democratic legislation if […]
-(Natural News) For weeks after the riot at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6, Americans were fed a steady diet of the latest ‘big lie’ about President Donald Trump: That his speech someone how incited some of his supporters to launch an “insurrection” against the government. Americans with at least a functioning brain stem knew from […]
-(Natural News) Hunter’s dad has already revoked an executive order signed by President Donald Trump that barred communist China and other hostile foreign entities from gaining access to America’s power grid. Deceptively named the “Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,” Joe Biden’s order undoing […]
-(Natural News) Yes, Democrats are set to impeach President Donald Trump again, and like last time, they are inventing a reason why. Before, Democrats claimed Trump committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” when he allegedly demanded a “quid pro quo” from the Ukrainian president — specifically, that he linked U.S. military aid to a pledge from […]
-(Natural News) I do so love liberal hypocrisy. What makes it so entertaining is that they are oblivious to their intellectual dishonesty and lack the capacity for introspection. It makes for unintentional humor when they can’t fathom why people laugh at their riotous inconsistency. (Article by Rick Moran republished from The latest installment of […]