
The nervous system, migraine and yoga therapy

Migraine headaches are caused by inflammation of nerve endings, as a result of blood vessels in the brain swelling up. Or so we have always believed. For the longest time, the brain stem was implicated in the occurrence of migraine headaches as the starting point, from which all other symptoms evolved. However, the symptoms themselves Read More


The Excedrin Migraine fraud: Many “migraine” medicines are formulaically identical to their non-migraine counterparts

There is no official definition of migraine, but it is generally understood to refer to chronic severe headaches. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, about 36 million Americans have such headaches.[1] Traditionally, “migraineurs” (as they’re called) have resorted to popping over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofin and acetominophen, although these medications are notoriously ineffective for stopping Read More