
Turmeric toothpaste? Learn how to decalcify your pineal gland for ultimate oral health, pain relief and teeth whitening

The pineal gland is a tiny cone shaped endocrine gland near the center of your brain. It is responsible for producing melatonin, which is necessary for regulating sleep patterns. The pineal gland has long been associated with its esoteric function as “the third eye.” Studies have shown that this same gland, when functioning properly, will allow a person to Read More

Top 10  foods that help you fall asleep naturally

Top 10 foods that help you fall asleep naturally

Has sleep been eluding you lately? You’re not alone. More than 50 million Americans don’t get enough sleep. There are many reasons for insomnia, ranging from work-related stress to lower back pain. More than often, however, irregular sleeping patterns are caused by poor dietary habits. Many people resort to sleeping pills in an effort to Read More